A Game That Can Make Money

Posted By admin On 01/08/22

If you’re addicted to playing video games, then you might already have dreams of making money while you play.

It might even sound like a myth since we’ve heard all our lives that video games are no good. Yet, there are ways that you can make money playing video games. You never know, but you may find your dream job online, so don’t give up and keep looking!

How to make money by playing online games? Have a look on these interesting games on the web allows you to earn real money instantly. Match your way through unique variations on the classic Chinese tile game. Moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games. Enjoy familiar favorites like solitaire, bingo, poker, dominos, and game shows. Flex your vocabulary with spelling games, word search, crosswords, and jumbles.

Imagine playing your favorite video game for hours and making a living off of it. Sounds too good to be true, right?

We’re here to walk you through the process of the best ways that you can play video games and earn money.

Be sure to keep reading for our ultimate guide on how to make money playing video games.

Start Playing Games on YouTube

If you’ve ever seen famous YouTubers playing games and making money, then you might want to know how to get in on the action.

Starting your own YouTube channel is going to take time lots of time and commitment. Growing a fanbase of dedicated subscribers doesn’t happen overnight.

Plus, you aren’t going to be making any money from YouTube right away, either. Monetization from YouTube doesn’t happen until a channel reaches 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past year.

Once you reach these milestones, then you’ll be able to earn money by playing games on YouTube with no problems.

There are different ways for you to gain subscribers and post videos on YouTube. The best is to figure out your gaming niche on YouTube.

Commentary Videos

Posting commentary gaming videos can help attract a wide range of viewers. Your subscribers are going to be into the game that you’re playing. They also want to know more about you as a gamer.

If you’re looking to post commentary videos, then you might want to link up with some friends to make your videos more unique.

Review Video Games

Another type of video that you can post is reviews. These videos can attract people that want to play a new game or people who value your opinion. If people see you as a professional gamer in the YouTube world, then subscribers will come to you for your opinion on video games.

How-To Tutorial Videos

The last type of niche content that you can post as a gamer on YouTube are how-to tutorial videos. People who want to learn how to play specific games will watch your videos. Some people even like to see these types of videos when they want to know more about a particular game.

Become a Streamer

Becoming a video game streaming online is another prominent way to play games for money. One brilliant way to do this is streaming for Twitch.

The requirements to get monetized on Twitch are much laxer than on YouTube. In fact, many streamers can get monetized within a month as long as they post engaging and relevant streams.

Remember, there are a ton of other content creators that you’re competing with on Twitch. It can be rather complicated for you to stand out amongst the competition when everyone is doing the same thing.

If you stay dedicated and take the time to grow your fanbase, then you can make money gaming and streaming.

One smart way to get followers to your twitch stream is to focus on streaming one game. While Twitch lets you pick any game that you want to stream, it is better to choose a niche when trying to gain more followers.

As a streamer, you’re going to have fans that look up to you and value your opinion. One great thing that you can do is recommend them great deals when they come around, whether it is on new games, computers, or accessories. Letting them know to check out lenovo.com for their upcoming Black Friday sale is a phenomenal way to help your fans find the best deals.

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Video Game Tester

Becoming a video game tester might be many people’s original dreams when they wanted to get paid to play games as a child. The best part is that you can still do this!

Game developers are looking for real people in real gaming environments to play their video games. They want them to spot bugs and any issues before the release day.

The job might sound like a dream come true for many people, but it is a lot of hard work. You’re going to need to test every single aspect of the game, and you’ll need to take detailed notes while doing it.

Being a video game tester doesn’t mean that you get to sit on the couch and relax while playing video games all day.

Instead, you will be looking into how a regular player could break the game and make sure that everything functions as it should.

Another downside of being a video game tester is that you won’t always get to play the games that you want to play. Not all games are going to be the ones that you think are the most exciting or exhilarating.

Compete in Video Game Tournaments


One of the best things about video games is the fact that they bring together tons of people. Sometimes the people that they bring together tend to get competitive. The competitiveness of video games is where video game tournaments started in the first place.

Unfortunately, competing in video game tournaments isn’t going to give you a steady income. Yet, if you continue doing them and you do well, then you will see the cash rolling in.

The prizes at video game tournaments can be very generous. Some of the biggest prize pools were around 30 million dollars. Even smaller tournaments still have an enormous prize pool.

Many of these tournaments revolve around games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends, and tons of others. If you can find one with a game that you excel at, then you should sign up.

You’ll find some tournaments even include team games. You’ll create a team and practice with them for months leading up to the big day. On tournament day, you will work together to beat the other teams and eventually share the prize pool if you’re good enough to win.

Some video game tournaments will be in front of live audiences, while others are all online.

Write for a Video Game Blog


Writing for a video game blog is another exceptional way to make money while also playing video games. You might have to do some extra work, but playing video games will still be a large part of the gig.

If you enjoy writing, then you’re going to love writing about the video games that you’re playing. It is a great way to put two passions together.

One of the easiest ways to make money by blogging is through affiliate links. These are links to products or services that you can include in your blog, and you will get a small commission from when people purchase after clicking them.

On a video game blog, you can write about anything related to video games. You can write in-depth guides, video game reviews, talk about the latest video game news, and so much more. You might even want to talk about new video game equipment or console releases.

Being a video game blogger gives you the versatility to let you express yourself about the video game world when you’re not playing video games.

Video Game Coaching

If you consider yourself an expert at any particular game, then you should offer your services to paying customers. Becoming a video game coach for people that want to play competitive games is a great way to get paid while playing games.

Many people want to hire coaches for games like League of Legends or Overwatch. These are games where they might enter tournaments that pay massive prizes later on.

A Game That Can Make Money

Video game coaches can make over $25 an hour, depending on how good they are at their job. They might even start charging more if their services are in high demand.

Many people who become video game coaches have started on a social media platform like YouTube or Twitch. Many people have watched them play and already know how good they are at what they do. The person requesting their services wants to be a famous gamer like them or even learn how to stream as they do.

Video game coaches might even already have won a tournament or two in the past. You should make sure that you have something to show for yourself if you’re trying to become a video game coach.

How to Make Money Playing Video Games

As you can see, there are so many different ways that you can make money playing video games. Some of them are going to require a bit more effort than others, but they’re all jobs that you must work at regardless.

You’ll need to devote a lot of your time and dedication if you’re looking to make gaming your full-time job.

If you’re looking for more gaming advice or news about tech, then our website is the place to be. Make sure to keep scrolling for more awesome posts.

Every now and again you read an article, or see something on the social media, bragging about making money playing video games.

Sometimes you hear about it through word-of-mouth.

But is it really a thing? Can you really make money?

It is possible, but there are some caveats. First, banish any idea from your mind that you’re going to make a fortune doing it. Second, it may not be quite as fun and exciting as it sounds on the surface – making money rarely is. And third, you have to be able to separate the real opportunities from the many scams out there.

With those warnings in mind, let’s take a look at some ways you really can make money playing video games.

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Become a Beta Tester

Every video game needs to go through beta testing before it hits the general market. This can be an interesting and fun way to earn some extra money. But be aware you probably won’t be working with popular video games. Instead, it’ll be ones that haven’t hit the market yet. Companies are looking to test their games with real users before bringing them to market.

You may find some of the games you’re working with aren’t terribly exciting, or they may have serious glitches. But that’s why companies look for people to test them out first. Your job will be to identify flaws or ways to improve the product before it goes to market.

The upside of becoming a beta tester is that you can make a lot of money doing it. The difficult part is finding companies who will hire you. The best approach is to develop a strong social media presence, complete with a large following, that might get you noticed by video game companies. If you do, they’ll be coming to you.

Video Game Tournaments

Video games often develop communities, and they can be quite active – and competitive. The competitiveness leads to tournaments, and that leads to prizes. It’s not the same as getting a steady income, but if you have the fortitude to engage in ongoing tournaments, the prizes can be quite generous.

One example is Call of Duty. Thousands of people play this game, but for some, it rises to become very competitive. That’s where the potential payoff is. You get involved with teams and meet up online and either play together as a team or “every man for himself.”

Call of Duty has several different gameplay modes, including online multiplayer as well as zombies. Some of the new games allow for multiplayer campaigns. Whether you work with a team or by yourself, you can go into the playoffs and move on to the championships. If you get into the finals, video game tournaments work very similarly to the regular sporting events. Winning tournaments can result in cash payouts. Exactly how much you can make will depend on the interest in the tournament, and it varies from one to the next.

Take OpTic Gaming (on YouTube) as another example. It’s one of the top performing game teams available, and they are known for winning multiple awards and having some of the best players in the industry. There are a plethora of prizes including small prizes such as gift cards. But cash prizes can run as high as $10 million – if you can believe it.

Become a Video Game Reviewer

A game that can make money online

If you have an interest in many different video games, you can earn money by becoming a video game reviewer. This is similar to blogging – in fact, you could even create a blog for this purpose. But you can also do it through YouTube, or on popular selling sites like eBay and Amazon.com.

The basic idea is to become a respected review source of video games. As you build up a following, people will come to rely on your opinions. You can earn money by selling the video games you review on an affiliate basis (the manufacturer or distributor will pay you a percentage of each sale you make from your website or video).

There’s no guarantee how much money you’ll make. It depends on the popularity of your site or videos because most of your income will come as advertising. If you’re able to grow your audience into the thousands, you may get video game companies advertising directly. If it reaches that stage, you’ll have a steady stream of passive income.

“Farming” Gold

You won’t make a fortune with this strategy, but if you like playing video games, and you play a lot, it can be a way to earn at least some money while you’re having fun.

Not all video games allow this to happen, but there are a few that do. Two are RuneScape and Counter Strike.

The process works like this…

You can create a character and “level” him or her (raise their skills). Some players will actually pay money for a high-level character that they don’t have to level themselves. In the case of RuneScape, the higher the levels, the more quests you can complete.

The easiest way to do this is to “farm the character.” This means you spend a lot of time leveling up the character, whether it be for a particular skill or for in-game money. You can actually make a lot of money doing this, as some characters can sell for over $1,000. Others sell for as little as $100. It really depends on how much skill you have at leveling, and how motivated you are to play the game.

Become a Twitch Streamer

Twitch is a streaming platform subsidiary of Amazon where you can earn money through the support of your subscribers. Most of the streams involve video games, whether it’s games like Fortnite or something that is played online like Chess, but you earn money through your subscribers.

If you get your subscriber count up and have a lot of views, you can get sponsorships and giveaway opportunities as well. Some of the top Twitch streamers do this full-time and the income opportunities are there. This is how much Twitch streamers make.

You can also post those Twitch videos to Youtube as an additional revenue source.

Mobile Game That Can Make Money

Work in Customer Service

If you’re a veteran gamer, with experience playing dozens of different video games, you may be able to use those skills to help others – and make some money while you do. Think of it as working on the helpdesk for companies that provide video games.

You can sometimes find these positions by contacting the manufacturers or distributors of video games themselves. They may even have work-at-home positions. You can also try various technology support companies, like Sutherland Global Services. Every now and again they have positions available on video game helpdesks.

Other Ways to Enter the Business

A Game That Can Make Money Free

It can be difficult to find ways to make money playing video games.

You won’t find jobs advertised on the job boards.

But there are three general ways to get into making money playing video games:

  1. Contact video game manufacturers and distributors directly, and offer your services. You’ll have to be a well-experienced video game player to even attempt this.
  2. Become a very competitive video gamer, such that you can get involved in tournaments and other activities that will make you serious money.
  3. Become a video game entrepreneur. This is really the business side of video games. You start a website, become active on the social media, or develop a YouTube channel. You become recognized as an expert in the field, drawing many thousands of followers. You can then sell video games on an affiliate basis, or even receive sponsorships from the companies themselves.

YouTube is especially important. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that your YouTube channel is your resume in the video game universe.

So you can play video games for sure, but put your entrepreneur’s hat on, and be ready to turn it into a side business – or something much more.

Game That Can Make Money
